Cloth Dolls by Stitch 'N Stuff
Original design cloth dolls and cloth doll patterns -- online since 1995

Picture of Cathy
picture of Liberty doll

Early American Life logo

Cathy was honored to be named one of the top 200 traditional craftsmen by Early American Life Magazine for the 2005 "Directory of Traditional American Crafts", published in the August 2005 magazine. This was the third year that Cathy submitted and received this honor for her Folk Art dolls. Cathy's doll "Liberty" was selected to be photographed for the 2003 Directory.

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For more pictures and information on each gallery, click on the pictures below

Decorator Dolls

picture of lily Rose doll

  Folk Art Dolls

picture of Topsy-Turvey doll

For pictures and descriptions of current offerings, click the above picture   Original designs inspired by dolls of the 19th Century such as the Izannah Walker, Columbian, etc. All dolls are dressed in period clothing with attention to detail. For more information on the processes used to create my dolls, Click here!
Vintage-Like Dolls

  Humpty's & More!

Dolls made from patterns that were available 1930 - 1960. Although not her original designs, Cathy uses the same attention to detail to create these dolls.  Included are designs of   Edith Flack Ackley. For pictures and descriptions of current offerings, click the picture above!

  This Gallery offers completed projects made from Cathy's patterns. Gallery also includes a few bears!! And of course, our very popular Humpty's!! Several completed 18 inch Humpty Dumpty dolls are now available for purchase in this gallery!

Pattern Gallery

  A wide variety of  Cathy's original designs written for the beginning dollmaker, but equally as fun for the more experienced. For pictures and descriptions of current offerings, click the picture above!  

Thank you for visiting Cloth Dolls by Stitch 'N Stuff -- I hope that you will come back often! Please do not hesitate to email me if you have a question either about our site or a doll-related question that I may be able to answer.

We appreciate your business.

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    Page maintained by:
    Cloth Dolls by Stitch 'N Stuff
    P.O. Box 178
    Washington Mills, NY 13479

    Send comments to: Webmaster